Win two Hamilton tickets from Beacham!

Have you heard the news?! Beacham is giving away two AMAZING third row seats to the sought after Broadway performance of Hamilton!! The tickets for this Sunday’s show are at 6:30pm and would make a phenomenal date night. Interested in winning? Here’s what to do:

1. Follow Beacham and Company on Instagram

2. “Like” the photo of Hamilton on Beacham’s Instagram page

3. Comment on the photo and tag your plus one

The deadline to enter is Friday, June 8th at 5pm. Don’t miss out on this opportunity!!

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Beacham & Company, REALTORS® is Atlanta’s top-selling luxury real estate office. The firm was founded by Glennis Beacham, one of Atlanta’s most celebrated real estate agents and the only agent in Georgia to sell nearly $2 billion in real estate. The firm has 100 agents who average $7 million in sales per agent, more than any other Atlanta real estate firm. In 2017, the firm achieved record sales for the 11th consecutive year and remained the top-selling office in the city for single family listings sold for more than $1 million. The firm also donated nearly $1,000 per agent to local charities over the course of the year.